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About Us


Our Mission

To foster a community of believers where we serve together, grow together and do life together by adding redemptive value to every person, relationship, and family!









Our Vision

To provide a relevant ministry to the whole person: every spirit that yearns for hope, every soul that is seeking peace, everybody that needs healing and every person in search of a deeper relationship with God! “All people”—mattered to Christ, and for that reason all people matter deeply to us. No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, or in your journey of life, there is always a place for you at Mt. Mariah Ministries. 










Our Values

 Grounded in God’s Word – The Bible is our foundation, and we believe it has not lost an ounce of relevance or power to change our lives. 


Passionate in Worship – We are committed to having a corporate worship experience that invites His presence—one that is full, vibrant, and rich with the adoration of God. We do this to honor Christ and inspire every believer to live a lifestyle of private worship, where every day is filled with healthy and wholesome devotion.


Reliant on Prayer – We can never accomplish what God calls us to do without time with Him. Our church is edified through prayer and our relationship with Him and His impact in the world around us finds its source in prayer.


Growing Spiritually – We commit ourselves to continued discipleship in the community—as we grow and mature best when our lives intersect each other. Our preaching, teaching, groups, classes, and personal devotion all find their foundation on God’s Word and keep us on the Potter’s wheel to be shaped by Him.


Reaching and Building – We desire to be a church that ministers to all ages, building healthy, strong individuals, families, and ultimately the family of God by creating and fostering a multigenerational experience with opportunities for real connection and mentoring that ministers to the “whole person”—spirit, soul, and body.


Sowing/Practicing Generosity – God has given us so much; we count it our privilege to support His work and bless others. We live recognizing Christ as our source, as we joyfully tithe and give time, talents, and offerings to support His work and impact the world around us.

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